domingo, 26 de febrero de 2017

This Lightweight Origami Shield Can Withstand Gunshots from a 9mm - Futurism

This Lightweight Origami Shield Can Withstand Gunshots from a 9mm - Futurism


This Lightweight Origami Shield Can Withstand Gunshots from a 9mm
A new origami-inspired bulletproof shield prototype that can withstand shots fired from 9mm, .357 Magnum, and .44 Magnum pistols was created by a team of engineers from Brigham Young University (BYU). Most bulletproof shields or barriers weigh almost ...
How origami shield could provide 'revolutionary' police protectionChristian Science Monitor
BYU's origami-inspired Kevlar shield pops up in seconds to block bulletsDigital Trends
Engineers design a bulletproof origami shield to protect law enforcementPhys.Org
Newsy -The Verge -YouTube -| Brigham Young University - Brigham Young University
all 48 news articles »