martes, 21 de febrero de 2017

How origami sheild could provide 'revolutionary' police protection - Christian Science Monitor

How origami sheild could provide 'revolutionary' police protection - Christian Science Monitor

Christian Science Monitor

How origami sheild could provide 'revolutionary' police protection
Christian Science Monitor
His past work has used origami techniques to shrink NASA payloads and medical devices. Through discussions with federal agents and local police, “We realized that having a compact bulletproof barrier that's easy to transport, easy to stow, and then ...
Bulletproof origami shield unfolds in seconds to protect cops from dangerDigital Trends
This Lightweight Origami Shield Can Withstand Gunshots from a 9mmFuturism
How Origami Helped Engineer A Lightweight, Bulletproof ShieldNewsy
Regal Tribune -RadioWest -YouTube -| Brigham Young University
all 47 news articles »